In this era of social media, there are lots of voices telling you what you should use and especially what you should buy. I hope to be a voice of reason here with a little bit of science on my side.
I encounter many young girls and women who are using multiple different moisturizers for “anti-aging” reasons despite struggling with acne and oily skin. Stop the madness!
Moisturizers do just that – add moisture to the skin. Some have additional ingredients such as ceramides to nourish the skin barrier or very weak antioxidants, but most moisturizers do NOT help with anti-aging.
I encourage teens and young adults (<30) especially to only use a moisturizer…
-if your skin is DRY.
-only if the moisturizer is non-comedogenic and doesn’t clog your pores
-it does not irritate other skin conditions such as rosacea.
But what about all those commercials and before and afters? Well, looks can be deceiving, and these results are short lived. I like to think of the skin as a sponge. We can see all the openings in a dry sponge compared to a soaked sponge. Same way with the skin. Yes, well moisturized skin will look better and be less wrinkly and rough in the short term. But will it prevent wrinkles? No. Moisturizers alone do not cause any long-term scientific improvement in wrinkles.
As we age, our skin naturally is dryer especially in post-menopausal women. So, if your skin is dry, moisturize away. The best time to use moisturizer is when your skin is warm and wet after a bath or shower.
So, if moisturizer isn’t so important for anti-aging, what is? Ask any dermatologist and we will all recommend a retinoid at night and a mineral sunscreen in the morning. There’s a reason why we all say the same thing – because it works! If you are struggling to find a skin routine that works for you, see a dermatologist. We can help you sort through fact and fiction to find the skin care regimen that best fits your skin.
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