I’m here today to explain another social media trend and term. The latest… “Baby BOTOX”. But let’s start at the beginning.
What is BOTOX? BOTOX is an injectable form of Botulinum Toxin that is injected into muscles to reduce the movement of those muscles. While dermatologists primarily use it to reduce wrinkles in the face and neck, it can be used to treat lots more, from headaches to bladder issues. While “BOTOX” is the household name (like “Band-Aid”), it is actually one of many brands of Botulinum Toxin. Other brands include Xeomin, Jeuveau and Dysport.
What is “Baby BOTOX”? Baby BOTOX is the term for getting only small amounts of BOTOX. In my experience, some women prefer the term Baby BOTOX because it makes them feel better. “I don’t need much to make me look better, just a little Baby BOTOX.” Many are afraid that BOTOX will make them look unnatural, and hope that baby BOTOX will be more subtle. Others use the term Baby BOTOX when they are starting at a younger age.
Do we do “Baby BOTOX” at Appalachian Spring Dermatology? Well, of course we do, but Dr. Rosenberger personally never uses the term. Dr. Rosenberger has been administering BOTOX and giving it to herself since 2004. That’s a LONG time. We estimate that we have done about 10,000 BOTOX treatments in that time, so we have lots of experience! Since 2004, Dr. Rosenberger has always aimed to achieve a natural, subtle look with BOTOX. So, I guess you can say we always trend toward Baby BOTOX. We always err on the side of underdoing, no overdoing.
So, what is the goal with BOTOX? BOTOX relaxes muscles so you don’t make whatever movement is causing lines you dislike. Dr. Rosenberger has always made it her goal to allow some expression, particularly in the forehead. By allowing some minimal movement, patients can still have some normal facial expressions, just not so much that they have ingrained lines. This takes a lot of finesse and is not a cookie cutter approach. We study each patients’ movements and come up with a customized plan to meet their needs.
How do I know if it is done “right”? We’ll teach you! The first time our patients get BOTOX we recommend a two week follow up. The maximal effect of relaxation is achieved by two weeks. At this appointment, Dr. Rosenberger will ask you to make several facial expressions and watch how you talk to determine if a normal, natural result has been achieved. Dr. Rosenberger then teaches her patients what to look for after subsequent appointments and encourages patients to call us if it is anything but PERFECT. In general, patients with BOTOX should have small twinges of movement, but not enough that they are still making ingrained lines.
How do I know if I’m ready for BOTOX? Patients often ask me this question. It’s a tender one, because most people want to hear… “You’re perfect, you don’t need anything?”. Patients are ready for BOTOX when they have an ingrained line at rest. To test this, look at your forehead and relax it. Can you see lines when you are not moving your forehead? If so, then you are ready. Doesn’t matter if you are 18 or 80. If I start now, do I have to keep getting BOTOX? No. But you’ll likely want to. BOTOX relaxes the expression for 3-4 months. After that, you’ll start moving a lot again and the lines will become more prominent again. You can stop any time
Here are my references in case you want to learn more.
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