May is skin cancer awareness month. As a dermatologist, I feel like I just can’t get people to take it seriously enough. Here are some facts from the Skin Cancer Foundation.

Yet, still, we have tons of Americans tanning indoors and outdoors each spring and summer trying to achieve a golden tan while increasing their risk of skin cancer by the minute. Yes, I know you want a “base tan,” and you need Vitamin D. Those are just excuses. Wear sunscreen and take Vitamin D and maybe you’ll skip the skin cancer.

My advice is don’t purposely burn or tan. Have fun outside and enjoy life, just protect your skin while you are doing it. Never use a tanning bed. They are NEVER SAFE. Here are some more facts.

We remove skin cancers EVERY DAY in our office. There are three main types of skin cancer: Basal Cell is the most common, followed by Squamous Cell Carcinoma. These types generally do not spread to other parts of the body or affect life span. They grow and eventually become painful and bleed easily if left untreated. Melanoma is the more worrisome type of skin cancer. It can spread to other parts of the body and decrease the life span. It is estimated that about 7000 people will die with melanoma in 2020. Please join me and take skin cancer seriously!
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