Carissa Santmyire, RN is the newest addition to our staff at Appalachian Spring Dermatology. If the name sounds familiar, it’s all in the family! Carissa is Beth and Aaron’s sister.
Carissa received her nursing degree from Allegany College of Maryland in 2009. Since then she has been working at Western Maryland Health System as a MED/SURG and Oncology nurse.
We are excited to have Carissa join our staff. She will be performing a number of cosmetic procedures in the office including Coolsculpting, Botox, Kybella and Laser Hair Removal.
Carissa recently amplified her Coolsculpting training at Coolsculpting University in Reston, VA. This is the highest level of training and education that can be achieved for Coolsculpting professionals.
When not working, Carissa enjoys spending time with her family, especially her six year old son Zechariah. She loves the beach.
Carissa brings a compassionate, kind and loving spirit to all she meets!