There is a season for everything, and spring is coolsculpting season. Why? There are a few reasons that over the years I have noticed lead to an increased desire for coolsculpting this time of year.
First, a quick review. Coolsculpting is a safe, non-invasive fat freezing procedure that reduces the appearance of stubborn, pinchable areas of superficial fat. There is no loss of weight with the procedure, but slimming those stubborn areas often leads to improved motivation for weight loss and exercise. Results are permanent as long as there is no significant increase in body weight. It can give an extra boost of confidence!
Thwarted New Year Resolutions… New Year Resolutions are lovely and terrible at the same time. Most studies show that by February, over 80% of resolutions have failed or been abandoned. Stinks, but true. Coolsculpting can help with persistent areas that we hoped to lose with that new diet and exercise regimen. It’s OK, we’ve all been there.
Successful New Year Resolutions… For the more disciplined 20% who are actually succeeding in their resolutions, they are in it to win. Coolsculpting can take those problem areas from “Meh” to “Great”. I always recommend Coolsculpting for that problem area that tends to persist despite all of our best efforts. Sometimes it’s an extra push to keep us moving toward the physique we’re working towards.
Weddings, Reunions and Vacations…. You know, those events where you expect to have LOTS of photos and lots of people you want to see looking your best. Don’t forget special dresses and fitted suits that require lots of Spanx and undergarments. Coolsculpting is a lifesaver.
Summer Clothes and Bathing Suits…It’s never fun seeing our winter bodies in our summer clothes. As an aside, PLEASE avoid the tanning salon and use sunless tanner. Coolsculpting can help get that winter body into summer shape.
But to achieve a lot of these goals we need to start NOW. Why? Generally it takes 8-12 weeks to see the full results of a Coolsculpting treatment. Plus, most patients and areas respond best to a series of two treatments.
So, the clock’s ticking. If any of these scenarios ring true, schedule a consultation online at or by calling the office. We’ll get you ready for your special event or summer clothes.
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