We have been performing photodynamic therapy in the office since we started in 2005. It has been widely used throughout the world for about 20 years now. Personally, Dr. Rosenberger does this treatment does this to herself once or twice a year to treat sun damage and rosacea.
What is Photodynamic Therapy? When discussing treatment options for Actinic Keratoses, precancerous red scaling spots, I usually present them with three major choices. For a more detailed review of all of the choices see our Actinic Keratosis information sheet. In general the three major options and their ups and downs are…
What is UVB and how does it work?
Present in natural sunlight, ultraviolet light B (UVB) is an effective treatment for psoriasis. UVB treatment involves exposing the skin to an artificial UVB light source for a set length of time on a regular schedule. As we learn more about these diseases, the theories on how UVB is effective constantly changes and is clearer. For now, we know it works. In treatment resistant conditions, just knowing it works is often good enough.
Excimer Laser
What is Excimer Laser and how does it work? Excimer Laser is a special type of laser that uses NBUVB light to treat a variety of skin conditions particularly psoriasis and vitiligo. There are multiple manufacturers of excimer lasers. We have been doing these procedures in the office since 2011. We initially had the name brand XTRAC, but in 2014 switched to what we consider to be a superior excimer laser by Ra Medical called Pharos .
What is the procedure like? Excimer laser is a painless in-office procedure that is relatively quick and simple compared to other psoriasis treatments. In our office, the procedure is performed by our medical assistant under the supervision of Dr. Rosenberger. It takes about 10 minutes depending on the size of the area we are treating.
Blu-U Acne Treatment
BLU-U light treatment has been available in our office since 2011. This light treatment is done alone or along with a solution called Levulan (aminolevulinic acid) that increases the potency of the light treatments. When the solution is used, the procedure is called photodynamic therapy which we also use to treat rosacea and precancer spots.
Lasers and light are used to treat many skin conditions. The different types of light are described by their wavelength in nanometers (nm). Some types of light are visible and colored and some are not. Many types of laser and light devices have been tried to treat acne. Blue light has been shown to be the most effective at the lowest cost with no downtime. BLU-U treatments use a panel of blue colored lights (417nm). The treatment is painless and lasts 17 minutes. Patients wear goggles for the treatment and can read, use their phone, or just relax.
Intense Pulsed Light
We are pleased to continue offering Intense Pulsed Light treatments with Cutera Xeo in our office since 2005. Wow, that’s a long time! All those years of experience pay off for our patients. We have an excellent concept of what will and will not respond best to Intense Pulsed Light. We also know and understand that other treatments may be more efficient and less expensive, so we often recommend those first.
Intense Pulsed Light treatments use multiple wavelengths of light to target multiple things in the skin simultaneously. In contrast, a true laser (see our 1064 NdYag page) uses a single wavelength of light for more specific targeting of structures in the skin.Who comes up with these things?
Laser Vein Reduction
We are pleased to offer our patients over 12 years experience treating both facial and leg veins with our 1064 NdYag laser. More than other treatments, laser vein reduction requires a consultation to determine if our laser will work the best to treat your veins. Both on the face and the legs, there is an optimal size and color that responds well to laser treatment.
How does it work? Lasers produce a specific wavelength of light that can a specific object in the skin. In Laser Vein Reduction, the laser target blood in the blood vessels. The interaction produces energy, which is best described and feels like heat, that damages the wall of the blood vessel.