I learned something from a patient once again, when she asked if I could prescribe Upneeq. She had purchased it from a spa, and she said it did a great job at lifting her eyelids and giving her a wider, brighter eye for special occasions. I was intrigued. So, I did a little research and thought I’d share.
Upneeq (generic name – oxymetazoline hydrochloride) is a prescription medication that is FDA approved to treat ptosis. Ptosis is the medical term for drooping eyelids. Upneeq drops are applied to the eyes once a day. Upneeq is an alpha-adrenergic agonist that triggers a muscle in the eyelid to further raise the eyelid. The results are subtle, but noticeable, for most patients. Opening the eye an average of 1-2mm with 10-15 minutes, and lasting 6 hours, Upneeq can be used daily or for special occasions. The active ingredient in Upneeq was previously known to be safe as an ingredient in decongestant nasal spray to constrict blood vessels in the nasal passages. However, just as with other medications that constrict blood vessels, when Upneeq wears off, there can be temporary increased redness, called rebound redness. Other side effects can be minor such as redness and irritation of the eye. More serious is that Upneeq can worsen or trigger narrow-angle glaucoma. For this reason, we will not be supplying it or prescribing it in the office. In our opinion, this should be prescribed under the care of an eye doctor who can assess your risk for worsening glaucoma with Upneeq. Often insurance does not cover, and cost is approximately $150 for a 30 day supply.
Lumify (generic name brimonidine) on the other hand is an FDA approved OTC product primarily aimed at whiter eyes for those with persistently bloodshot eyes. Lumify uses Brimonidine. Brimonidine works different than other previous products. Instead of constricting the arteries that supply blood, Lumify restricts venues. This can help relieve redness for up to 8 hours, with minimal rebound redness. Again, this can be used daily, but is more likely to be used more for special occasions. Side effects again are temporary irritation. Because of its mechanism of action, Lumify does not help open the eyes like Upneeq. Cost is much lower at $12-15.
Have you tried any of these eye drops? To be honest, I never really thought about these things much, but I think I will ask my eye doctor if I am a candidate for special occasions or photographs. I’m getting older and can use all the help I can get!
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