VISIA Complexion Analysis

Depending on your line of work, you may have been to a trade show before at a convention or meeting.  Well, I dare say that the AAD trade show is beyond compare.  It takes me almost a full day to visit each booth, scope out what’s new, and avoid buying one of everything.

For about 15 years, I eyed up a VISIA at the trade show.  For a nerdy dermatologist, it is a toy that I have always wanted.  If you haven’t picked up on it in a discussion with me, I am rather frugal.  From a business standpoint, it was always hard to justify purchasing a VISIA.  It was very expensive and generates no income.  But, finally, I let my “wants” overcome my “needs” and I purchased a VISIA last spring.  Now I am kicking myself for waiting so long!

I love our VISIA machine!  Why???  Well, I am a science girl.  I like to see real quantifiable numbers when evaluating results.  The VISIA gives me that and much, much more! It is just plain fun!

How does it work?

Patients can, at their convenience, have their picture taken.  In just a few minutes, we can take your picture and the data is stored on our system.  If time allows, we can analyze the pictures with you.  If time does not allow, or you aren’t quite as obsessed with skin care as I am, we have the image to compare back to in the future. A few caveats…  to have the most accurate image for baseline comparison…

-No makeup or sunscreen.

-Before a procedure or facial.

-Before starting a skin care regimen for acne, rosacea, skin health or anti-aging.

But how does it really work?

Scientifically, this is way beyond my understanding, but here’s my attempt to explain.  The camera uses a specific flash, cross-polarized light, and UV light to take a series of images. The computer analyzes the image using different filters to look both at surface changes and deeper changes in the skin.  A series of images are generated that demonstrate and quantify as illustrated below.

Images courtesy of www.canfieldsci.com


Will it diagnose or show skin cancer?

No, that’s Dr. Rosenberger’s job!  But it does provide a full face picture that we could refer to for following a particular skin lesion.

How does it show my “Skin Age”?

VISIA has been around for a long time.  They have an extensive database of images.  They compare your numbers against the database to give you a skin age.  This is amazing.  I am 45.  The left side of my face that gets sun in the car is 4 years older than my right side.

The newest and most striking feature is the aging simulation.  It will inspire anyone to take good care of their skin.  It shows you 20 years younger and 20 years older.

Should I get my picture taken?

Yes!  We would like to encourage as many patients as possible to at least take a baseline image.  But don’t be surprised if it inspires you to take better care of your skin!  It inspires me every time I get my picture taken!    Did I mention it is FREE!?


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