Using a Proxy

The How and Why

A proxy is anyone who represents a patient. It is often a caretaker, parent to a minor, or the adult child of an elderly person. Sometimes proxies are used when filling out the kiosk, and checking-in may be daunting in some circumstances. 

  • The patient is a minor and parents are unable to accompany them to their appointment
  • The patient is elderly or has a disability preventing them from being able to answer questions to update their medical health condition.
  • The patient is unable to be accompanied by the person who knows the most about their medical condition and history.
  • The patient has a visual or hearing impairment that makes checking in on the kiosk difficult.

If you, as a patient, would like someone to be able to fill out all of your kiosk questionnaires and/or pay your copay BEFORE coming to your appointment, you can set up a PROXY.

A PROXY is a caretaker, parent, or another individual that can be appointed by the patient to have access to their medical information and participate in the patient portal on the patient’s behalf.

  • A PROXY is different than an MPOA. It is NOT a legal decision.
  • A PROXY is NOT permanent and can be revoked by the patient at any time.
  • A PROXY has access to the patient’s medical information online through the patient portal. 
  • A PROXY decision is for our office only, and will NOT transfer to other medical facilities.

If you would like to set up a PROXY for your patient account at Appalachian Spring Dermatology, let one of our staff know today. 

Instructions For Proxy to Help Patients Before Their Visit.

Log onto the patient portal and accept Proxy access.

-If the PROXY is a current patient,
you will log in with YOUR Username and Password.  You will receive an email indicating that you
have been given proxy access.  Once
logged in, you will see an option on the front page after logging on to accept
proxy access. You click on the patient’s name to accept
the proxy access.  You must accept and
sign a consent to be a proxy.

-If the PROXY is NOT a current
patient, you will receive an email with a username and password to the patient
portal.  You will need to validate your
identity with your date of birth or phone number.  Then you can reset the password if you
like.  You must accept and sign a consent
to be a proxy.

Before the appointment

As a proxy, you will receive an email or phone appointment reminder IF you are the primary email or phone listed on the account.

-If you are financially responsible for the patient, you can pay the copay before the appointment on the portal.  Under the UPCOMING APPOINTMENTS tab, click on the PAY COPAY button to pay with credit card only.

-If you have full knowledge of the patient’s medical
condition and medical history, you can complete the QUESTIONNAIRES for the
upcoming appointment.  Complete your

  • MEDICAL HISTORY QUESTIONNAIRE that relates to the reason for the visit.

When you arrive at the office, Present your ID, Insurance card, and payment to the front desk. SKIP THE KIOSK.