We’re nearing the end of summer here in WV. Sad. In the office, I see a lot of fungal infections toward the end of summer and early fall. Patients often ask “Where does the fungus come from?”. A little bit of everywhere. Especially in the summer months when we do so many fun outdoors things. Here’s a few environments to watch out for and a few tips.
First, there’s lots of different types of fungus. The types that cause fungal infections of the skin are Dermatophytes. These fungi cause infections most commonly in warm moist areas. Between the toes, groin, underarms, and under the breast are all common locations. But, so is the bottom of the feet. Because our feet are in everything.
Top places to pick up fungus…
The ground. It is easy to pick up fungal infections outdoors from going bare foot, wearing sandals, flip flops and crocs. Fungus is common in soil.
Your pets. Many of the most common types of fungus seen on humans are carried by pets. Keep your pets well-groomed and bathed and treat any skin infections you see on them.
Your family. More people get fungus from a family shower than a bath house. If fungus is common in your family, a weekly prophylactic application of Lamisil often will keep fungal infections from taking hold.
From sports equipment. One good thing about COVID is that gyms are much better at wiping down sports equipment than ever before. I try to avoid having my bare skin touch things to be safe.
Pool decks. Indoor pools tend to be worse that outdoor because UV light can kill some fungus.
It’s everywhere! It’s everywhere! Here’s a few tips to help keep you fungus free.
-When possible, wear shoes and moisture wicking socks.
-Wear moisture wicking clothes.
-Avoid bare feet and wash footwear and sit it in the sun to dry. Remember UVC kills a lot of germs!
-Clean sports equipment thoroughly with a fungicidal cleaner. Check the label. Most cleaners are not fungicidal. A dilute bleach solution and Lysol IC are a few that are reported to be fungicidal.
-Apply Lamisil cream OTC for a week just in case if you think you were exposed.
Hope these tips help keep you fungus free!
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