Top 5 Ways to NOT Save Money on BOTOX

And 1 Great Way to Save

National BOTOX day is coming up.  Now you know there is a day for everything!  But, BOTOX is big!  Really big! A quick googling told me that over $3 billion dollars of BOTOX is sold to providers annually. If you think BOTOX is just for the rich and famous, let me assure you that it is not.  Many women have their hair cut and colored every six weeks and their nails done every few weeks. (Not me, who has time for all that, lol).  But, BOTOX generally costs less per year than women spend on their hair and nails.  It’s not so hard or expensive to say goodbye to those wrinkles.

Which leads me to this post… there are ways to save money on BOTOX. 

But first, the top 5 ways to NOT try to save money on BOTOX.

1-Don’t go to a BOTOX party. Intoxicated individuals getting injections in a non-clean non-sterile manner.  Not good.  I don’t even need to explain this one.

2-Don’t get it from your hairdresser or spa because it’s EASY.  I know it is hard to get an appointment with a doctor for BOTOX, but it’s your face for heaven’s sake.  You deserve the best. 

3-Don’t get it FREE from someone.  BOTOX costs the injector money, and it should never be free.  Liken it to a drug dealer handing out “free” drugs.  There’s a catch. Usually, the catch is that it is not real BOTOX or the person is trying to sell you something else in the meantime.

4-Don’t assume that a real doctor using real BOTOX is more expensive.  Our prices are no higher than some of the less desirable locations using adulterated product.

5-Don’t get it from outside the USA.  While not everyone loves the FDA right now.  They do perform a serious function in the US.  Protecting you!

Now that I’ve told you all the ways to NOT save money.  Here’s how you can save money on BOTOX! 

Join Alle.  Alle is Allergan’s reward program.  Allergan is the legitimate maker and distributor of BOTOX Cosmetic.  If your injector does not offer Alle points and redemption for your BOTOX that should be your first red flag.  Participation in Alle requires that your injector at least buy some real BOTOX from Allergan. 

Alle is like many other cheesy awards programs.  Except it works!  It saves you money.  It’s easy to use with a convenient app.  I don’t think I have ever had a patient STOP using Alle.  Most patients save at least $20 every time they have BOTOX, and it’s a safe and legitimate way to make BOTOX affordable.

This week is National BOTOX Day.  If you haven’t joined Alle, do it this week at www.alle.com.  They usually have great specials and ways to save money without doing the 5 DON’TS above.


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