It’s finally time for our kids to head back to school. Although a lot has changed since I went to school, some things never change. Head lice. Because it’s such a nuisance and often difficult to rid a family of head lice, myths regarding head lice abound.
Top myths regarding head lice…
1-You are more likely to get lice if you are dirty.– Lice are not a respecter of persons. Often it is just a case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. This is a cute video where Jennifer Garner talks about her family’s encounter with lice.
2-Pets carry lice. –The head louse is specific to humans, with the exception maybe beings some other primates. So, if you have an ape for a pet, you can be concerned, otherwise, no worries.
3-Lice can jump and fly. – They can crawl only, so direct head-to-head or hair to hair contact is usually required to acquire lice.
4-Houses can be infested with lice. – Head lice need a blood meal every few hours and the warmth of the human scalp to survive. When off the human body, they cannot survive for more than 24 to 36 hours. While it is recommended to do some general cleaning, laundering, and vacuuming, there is no need to call an exterminator.
5-Lice don’t like dirty hair. – I have known patients who didn’t wash their hair for and extended time because they heard lice don’t like dirty hair. Wash your hair!
If your kids are unlucky enough to pick up lice, treat it promptly to avoid spreading to other members of the family. Over the counter treatment regimens are available. For more resistant cases of lice, oral medications can be prescribed by a doctor. For trusted information about lice, I recommend these references.
The CDC has a great informative site. INSERT HYPERLINK
For great photos and tips check out these videos by the American Academy of Dermatology
Unfortunately, lice are not the only thing pick up at school. To learn more about back-to-school dermatology, read our post below. Oh, and now is a good time to remind our kids to not share hats, brushes, and hair accessories.
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