2020 seemed like a far off date, especially when we were spazzing about Y2K and worrying about making it through the year 2000.  Where did the time go? What goals did you set and meet in the past year? Past decade? 

I recently got a new planner, and I love it!  For those of you who rolled your eyes, stick with me.  This doctor momma needs organization in her life if she’s gonna get it all done. One of the cool things about it is that it focuses more on goals.  I love making goals!  Probably because my top “strength” in the Strength Finders Test was “Achievement”. Setting goals, and working on them gives me a sense of achievement.  But I need some structure in this area of life so I can clearly answer my own question. “What goals did you set and meet in the past year?”  So instead of “resolutions” for the new year, I’m focusing on goals.  Setting goals, tracking them, and celebrating them.   

If you’re like me, I tend to relegate goals to just a few areas of life – fitness & work tend to be common areas for me to set goals, but I have recently been encouraged to think about all of the areas of life where setting goals may move me toward achieving all that God has in store for me. 

Thought leader and entrepreneur, Michael Hyatt recommends using the acronym “SMART” when working on goals.  Goals should be SPECIFIC, MEASURABLE, ACTIONABLE, REALISTIC, and TIME DRIVEN.  For more details on this guideline, check out Michael’s goal-setting page.  

Areas of life where goals can be set include. Health, Fitness, Spirituality, Family, Business/Career, Finances, Personal Development, Hobbies/Fun & Recreation, Friendships, Emotional Well Being, and many more! 

Think goal setting isn’t for you? I enjoyed this challenge mentioned in the article “Confessions of a reluctant goal setter” from poet Mary Oliver in “Summer Day.”

“Tell me, what is it you plan to do 

With your one wild and precious life?” 

So, it’s 2020!  Where are you going this year?  This decade?  Let’s set some goals and get started.  Goals are personal, but you can share!  I’ll be working on mine and sharing some on our #yourbestyou facebook page.  Join us in the fun! 

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