Merry Christmas 2019!

Merry Christmas! 

After gushing about how much I appreciate my patients in my Thanksgiving post, I was trying to decide what else I could say to sincerely wish you all a Merry Christmas!   

Upon rereading my Christmas post from last year, it still accurately reflects my Christmas wish for you all… so here’s take two… 

The Christmas season is both my most favorite and my least favorite time of year.   

I love the true meaning of Christmas!  Christ coming to earth, as a baby, to live and walk among us.  As a Christian, Christmas and Easter are fundamental to our faith.  But I realize, not everyone feels the same about Christmas.  Different cultural, religious and familial beliefs have many heading in different spiritual directions at Christmas.  Dancing around those issues is especially hard at Christmas, but when approached with kindness and understanding, may we all experience true joy!  

The joy of my children!  Lily and Ella are 8 and 9 now and Christmas just keeps getting more exciting with them.  They are more involved in making lists and checking them twice, or maybe twenty times twice! They are loving family Christmas traditions and participating in cookie decorating, wrapping and so much more as they grow!  I take lots of time off at Christmas to enjoy family time, I hope you all understand! 

But the chaos of Christmas!  Cards, presents, parties, traveling, guests, entertaining.  That brings a whole new level of undesired pressure for many. Trying to avoid the chaos and pressure is a challenge for my perfectionist and achieving tendencies.  I purposely try each year to enjoy more and do less. 

But the Christmas memories!  When talking to patients and pouring over my own memories, Christmas memories are not always joyful.  We all have Christmas seasons we would rather forget.  Family presence is so much greater at the holidays but missing those who are no longer with us is even greater for many people.  Many will spend their Christmas without loved ones who have passed away, moved on, are deployed or working away from home.  I encourage you to take some time to love on someone who may be missing a loved one this Christmas. 

My Christmas wish!  May we all focus more on the true meaning and joy of Christmas and may our memories be sweet and our times together even sweeter. 

Thank you for allowing me to share in your lives!   


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