
Did you know a new word debuted in 2020?  Maskne. Alternative spelling Mascne. Acne caused by wearing a mask.  Who would have predicted that one this time last year?  Not me. 

Actually, a few different types of skin breakouts and irritation occur due to wearing a mask.  Most commonly acne, rosacea/perioral dermatitis, and irritant dermatitis.  

Acne is often worsened by wearing a mask because the skin gets occluded.  Occlusion leads to more clogged pores, the beginning stage of acne. Plus, moisture underneath the mask leads to bacteria growth. 

Perioral dermatitis is a variant of rosacea that means “rash around the mouth.”  It is worsened by friction, moisture, and bacteria growth caused by mask-wearing.   

Irritant dermatitis is the name for the irritation caused by wearing a mask.  Many masks are loose, constantly moving across the face.  Wearing a mask that fits the face well and securely helps avoid irritant dermatitis.  

Just google “maskne” and tons of experts will give you advice, here are Dr. Rosenberger’s tips: 

-Wear a well-fitted mask that does not move a lot when you are talking and moving. Wash or clean your mask frequently. 

-Wash morning and night thoroughly to make sure the skin is cleansed of dead skin and bacteria that may worsen maskne.  Cetaphil bar soap and ZO Gentle Skin Cleanser continue to be our favorites.  To remove dead skin that may be clogging the pores of those with acne, ZO exfoliating polish once a day may help.  For those with acne and perioral dermatitis rosacea, an RX sulfur wash is always a great choice.   

-Moisturize with a non-comedogenic nourishing skin cleanser such as Cetaphil PRO Restoraderm Eczema moisturizer that works well with almost every skin type and feels gentle on the skin. 

-Treat any eroded areas or pustules with Mupirocin Rx Ointment to kill bacteria that may be involved. 

-Reduce makeup use.  Why bother?  Plus, makeup leads to more clogged pores. 

If you’ve tried all these things and still have Maskne, see us in the office! 

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