I’m a goal setter, list maker, always working to improve things. So as a dermatologist, of course I have skin care goals for 2025. Here’s a few of my own and a few you might find being yours or share yours with us in social media!
Be consistent using Sunscreen! Honestly, I’m great at this one, but setting some easy goals gives a sense of accomplishment, right? Daily sunscreen with Zinc is always on my list. On exposed areas, all year round. Every day. Yes, every day. We’ll all thank ourselves a few decades from now.
Be consistent using RetinA! This is one that I often have a hard time convincing patients. But, it you saw what I see, you would agree. Patients that are consistent using RetinA for decades look amazingly better than those who don’t. Apply it every night. If you find it too irritating we can start with a mild one, but press on! It will be worth it!
Regular facials to augment skin care. Now this is sad. I have complete access to facials and microneedling at the office but rarely take advantage of it. This is a goal that will require some work. ZO Skin facials at the office can greatly enhance a skin routine. I see it every day. I’m gonna challenge myself to sit still and relax for one more often.
More focus on the neck. While I’ve been working on my face with good skin care for decades, I am very neglectful of my neck. Our new SkinPen is FDA approved to treat the neck. So, my goal is to treat my neck quarterly and get better about using a neck cream. Two of my top recommendations are Defenage 6 week Neck Perfecting Cream and SkinBetter Science TechnoNeck.