Rejuvenate your skin with acid and light!
Many of my patients know that I am a huge fan of the results we see with a procedure called photodynamic therapy. Our website and youtube channel both have a lot of information on this procedure, but today we will discuss a new variation – GlycoALA.
Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is an in-office procedure that is used to treat acne, rosacea, and actinic keratoses. An enjoyable well-known side effect of PDT is the rejuvenation of the skin. Traditional PDT uses an acid called Aminolevulanic acid. The acid is applied and allowed to incubate for 40-90 minutes, and then the patient sits under a panel of blue or red lights. There is an interaction between the light and the acid solution in the skin, producing a desirable result. There are two negative aspects of the treatment. One, the medical concentration of the solution is quite expensive, ranging from $275-450 depending on which we use. And two, there is downtime with redness and peeling of the skin.
GlycoALA cosmetic treatment is a new variation of PDT we have been performing in the office since Spring 2019. GlycoALA employs the same acid in a reduced concentration. By reducing the concentration, we achieve similar rejuvenating effects to the skin as traditional PDT without the significant redness, peeling, and downtime. This treatment is perfect for rejuvenating sun-damaged skin, improving skin texture and tone, and improving discoloration in the skin.
We can do GlycoloALA treatment on the arms, neck, chest, and face. The procedure is simple and will be performed by Rebecca, who also has been doing ZO facials in the office for some time now. Patients will need to stay INDOORS and wear sunscreen on the treated area for 24 hours. The GlycoALA version of PDT is entirely cosmetic and NOT covered by insurance. Cost is $200 per treatment per area. On areas other than the face, treatment will include the central chest, forearms, or neck. It will take at least 6-8 weeks to see the full rejuvenating effects. It can be repeated at 4-8 week intervals if the patient desires additional improvement. The company that manufacturers GlycoloALA recommends three treatments, each four weeks apart, for optimal results, but you will see a significant improvement with each treatment.
As summer ends, it is a great time to try to erase some of the damage from the sun and environment. Consider GlycoALA to help jump start your skin rejuvenation.
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