Erythema Ab Igne

Skin Discoloration from Heat Exposure

This week will look at another common skincare problem with a long name.  Erythema ab igne.  This is a condition we see at all ages.

Erythema ab igne is the description of the changes on the skin that occur from chronic exposure to infrared radiation in the form of heat.  The most common examples are:

  • lower legs where a space heater hits the legs
  • anterior thighs from holding a laptop
  • back from using a heating pad

Erythema means redness.  Erythema ab igne describes a red-purple discoloration in a net-like pattern.  Sometimes, the skin is dry and scaling as well. We see white and brown discoloration in more advanced changes.

The mainstay of treatment is to eliminate exposure to heat, and sometimes the skin will rejuvenate on its own over months to years. Sometimes the changes in the skin are permanent. For extreme cases, we can use topical steroids for a short period of time.

If you know someone who is exposed to chronic, low-level heat, please share this article with them to avoid the changes in the skin.

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