Dreaming of Summer 2.0

Week One: Don’t Just Dream- Get Ready!

A couple of years ago, I wrote a series of blog posts on how to prepare for summer. Since summer is right around the corner once again, I’d like to revamp and reshare this series as “Dreaming of Summer 2.0” with all the latest updates. Week one, we’ll take a medical approach, and focus on those of you with psoriasis who have unique concerns about how to ready your skin for summer activities.

Most people with psoriasis are better in the summer, especially after a week of vacation at the beach.  Why?  Relaxation doesn’t hurt, but UV sun exposure greatly improves psoriasis.  So instead of just dreaming of clear, smooth, soft skin, we can get a jump start on summer!

Dermatologists always walk a delicate balance.  We often encourage people to get a LITTLE bit of sun to help various skin disorders, but just a LITTLE.  We don’t want to increase skin cancer rates from UV sun exposure.  However, some light exposure is often recommended to treat skin disorders.  Treatment usually only requires 5-10 minutes at a time, 2-3 times per week.  Less is more!

In my experience, many patients are so self-conscious about their skin that they feel extreme social anxiety about going outside to get that UV sun exposure.  Many patients would never allow their family members to see their skin, let alone complete strangers.  Shedding clothes and bearing their skin becomes a big stressor in summer.

So, here’s the solution!
  I often recommend that my patients start in the spring with indoor UV light using our light booths and/or our UV excimer laser.  They can often clear their skin disorder in the spring with in-office treatments.  When warmer weather arrives, they are much clearer and can usually maintain that clearance with outdoor UV sun exposure without social anxiety.

Can I just go to the tanning bed?
  No.  Tanning beds primarily use UVA, which is not very effective for skin disorders, meaning it does more damage and aging than good.  The light that is most effective on skin disorders is a special type of UVB called Narrow Band UVB (NBUVB).  This is the type of light that we have both in a stand-up light both and in a laser in our office.  We use the laser for more limited areas, including hands, feet, and scalp.

If you are struggling with your psoriasis or another skin disorder this winter and are wondering if NBUVB light treatments are right for you, you can learn more at our website.

Tanning Beds – Are They Safe?
Light Booth Treatments for Psoriasis.
Laser Treatments for Psoriasis

In the weeks to come, we will have weekly tips to help get our skin and bodies ready for summer.  From foot fungus to CoolSculpting, we’ll give have tips to apply from head to toe. Dreaming of Summer 2.o! 

So, stop just dreaming about summer and start getting ready!

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