
Defensins and Defenage 

When at a conference a year ago, I passed a booth that had a product I hadn’t heard about yet.  Time to learn!  With eager ears, I learned about Defensins and how they affect the skin.  More importantly, I learned about how incorporating them into skincare products can greatly improve both the health and appearance of the skin. 

Many procedures in dermatology, including chemical peels, microneedling, and laser resurfacing procedures, have one thing in common.  They injure the skin in a controlled way to help regenerate the skin.  It turns out, an important molecule in this process is Defensin.   

What are Defensins? Defensins are small proteins in the skin that are naturally produced in response to injury.  Alpha- Defensin 5 stimulates stem cells in the hair follicle to migrate to the epidermis and produce NEW SKIN!  Beta Defensin 3 improves the skin barrier function.  This is a huge change compared to other available products.   

How are products containing defensins different than other products on the market?  Many products known as “growth factor serums,” work to stimulate and encourage the growth of fresh skin, including both epidermis and the dermis.  I like to describe this in this way.  Growth Factor Serums are non-selective in their action.  Think of a lawn full of both grass and weeds.  If you feed and water this lawn, you will encourage the growth of both grass AND weeds.  Similarly, growth factors stimulate all cells, not just the healthy ones you want to keep.  Instead of encouraging the growth of what is already there, defensins stimulate the growth of healthy new stem cells only.  Sounds good!   

What results can I expect by using a product containing Defensins? 

  • Revives youthful firmness
  • Brightens age spots
  • Defines contours
  • Smoothes lines
  • Diminishes wrinkles
  • Unclogs & minimizes pores
  • Comforts sensitivity
  • Evens skin tone
  • Corrects surface imperfections
  • Revives clarity
  • Replenishes moisture
  • Repairs dryness
  • Refines texture
  • Renews softness
  • Revitalizes dullness
  • Calms redness

If you are considering adding defensins in DefenAge to your skincare regimen, check out the ebook to learn more.  We have been sellingDefenAge in the Spring Boutique for about a year now, with patients seeing great results.  It is especially good for those with sensitive skin, rosacea, or other medical conditions that prohibit the use of RetinA.  As always, we are continually trying to provide our patients with the most cutting-edge scientific advances in skincare.   

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