Bug Bites and Bee Stings

It’s that time of year.  Bug bites dot little kids’ legs, and we all try to avoid bee stings.  Unless you are isolating yourself from nature, chances are you or someone in your family will need help with treating bug bites and bee stings this summer.  Here are some tips. 

Why do bug bites itch and sting?  Bug bites itch because the physical bite or venom of the bug triggers a release of inflammatory mediators in our skin that causes us to sense itching and burning.  Then, rubbing or scratching the bite or sting causes another host of inflammatory mediators.  

What should I use to treat the most common types of bites and stings? Assuming you are not allergic to bee stings, here are suggestions for treatment.  If you are allergic, of course, get your EpiPen ready or head to the emergency room. 

Mosquito bites – There are many OTC regimens and old wives’ tales.  As with anything, prevention is best.  Wear protective clothing and use insect repellent.  I recommend treating mosquito bites with Hydrocortisone cream to calm down the inflammation.  To help with the itching, I still love CeraveItch Relief Cream with Pramoxine, which reduces itching, so the cascade of inflammation gets stopped before intense scratching. An oral antihistamine can be helpful, as well. 

Bee Stings – Make sure you gently remove the stinger. Again, I prefer OTC hydrocortisone, or stronger if you have it, to reduce the inflammation and pain.  Ice can both reduce pain and swelling.  Oral anti-inflammatory and pain relievers can be taken as well.  

Ticks – Again, you want to make sure you remove the entire tick and mouthparts.  Keep an eye on the area for signs of Lyme Disease.  If a tick was embedded for over 24 hours, consider seeing an MD about prophylactic treatment for Lyme Disease. 

What is your favorite home remedy or natural remedy to treat bug bites or bee stings? 

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