One of the perks of being a dermatologist is that I am given a lot of stuff. Soaps, moisturizers, laundry detergent, shampoos and yes, sunscreen. Actually, most manufacturers are a little stingy on the sunscreen samples, so that is one skin care product that I have to buy on a regular basis. So what does someone with a plethora of choices, many of which are free, actually buy because she thinks it is the best? To me this is the best test of what I actually like and think is best. If I’m willing to spend money on it versus using something else that is free to me, you know it’s good.
These are my choices. Some of these we have in our office Spring Boutique. The reason we sell them is because I love them NOT that I love them because we sell them. I think that’s an important distinction.
Tinted Daily Sunscreen for my Face – Colorescience Tint du Soleil Whipped Foundation. I love this and have used it exclusively as my face sunscreen for many, many years. It goes on nice, evens out the reds and browns in my complexion a little and doesn’t wipe off easily on clothes. I apply it every single morning every day of the year.
On The Go Sunscreen Touch Ups for my face– Colorescience Pressed Powder. Honestly, I have never used a pressed powder on a regular basis as part of a makeup routine. However, I love this one for extra coverage and touch ups. I take it on hikes, to the beach, to amusement parks, EVERYWHERE. It’s small, tucks into a small bag or pocket and doesn’t spoil if exposed to higher temperatures.
Sunscreen for Body – ISDIN Eryfotona Ageless. This one goes on smoothly, isn’t sticky or tacky and gives a little color to my pale skin. Only negative, it only has 40 minutes of Water Resistance. However, I usually wear a long sleeve shirt to cover my upper body during the peak sun hours of 10AM-2PM. I also like the Colorescience Body Shield Bronze which has 80 minutes water resistance, so sometimes I use this on my legs. Be careful with these though as they can both stain clothes.
Spray Sunscreen – I like sprays for ears, scalp, legs, and tops of feet. Although sprays often require a little rubbing in to get them even, I find them to stay on very, very well. I’ve tried a whole lot of these. The main problem with these is that the aerosols often get clogged and sometimes come out splotchy. My favorite, and the one I buy, is Coppertone Pure and Simple Mineral Spray. It has 80 minutes water resistance. It’s not perfect but it clogs the least.
Stick Sunscreens – I also like how small these are. I often use these on my neck when working or playing outside. They stay on well, don’t stain clothes, and my hair doesn’t stick to them. I also like them on tops of hands and feet. In a pinch I have found they can also function like body glide if you’re chaffing or getting a blister on your foot. I love them all. Although the more expensive ones might be a tiny bit nicer, the Cetaphil mineral stick is a great price and as good as any of them.
I admit this list is VERY subjective. This is why we have lot to choose from in our Spring Boutique. I recommend that you come in and try them out to see what you like the best.
If you follow us on social media, let us know what your favorite sunscreen is. I love to try new things!