All I want for Christmas is…

To see my patients’ smiles again.  And a few other rambling wishes. 

OK, I know I’m gonna sound a little whiny and this is supposed to be an uplifting Christmas post.  This is not a political statement or a commentary on the benefits versus rights to mask-wearing.  Unfortunately, it’s the law.  But, oh, I cannot tell you the sadness it brings to not see my patients’ faces.  Sincerely, it gets me a little choked up just writing about it. 

Each visit, my heart longs for that quick moment when I say, “You can quickly take off your mask for me to examine your face if you’d like.”  At that moment, my heart leaps as I get to see my patients’ WHOLE FACE.  It’s like my whole insides light up.  I quickly go to work examining my patient’s face, with a new burst of energy that leads me to the same moment with my next patient.   

It’s funny how my brain works.  Seeing my patients smile is so important to me. (Happily, almost everyone smiles when I tell them they can take their mask off for a minute.)  It energizes my day and my work.  It’s like I feel unconnected when I can’t see patients’ smiles.  And so, I apologize to you all that you can’t see me smiling back. (I’m seriously getting teared up and choked up writing this).  Trust me, it’s there, smiling big and wide back at you and longing for the day when you can see my smile too. 

On a happier note, my other Christmas wishes are health, happiness, hugs, and social gatherings where no one is afraid and everyone is jolly.   Most importantly, I wish for everyone to know and feel the love of God this Christmas season.  Merry Christmas! 

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