The most common type of cancer in the US!
With over 3 million cases of BCC per year in the US, Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC) is the most common type of cancer in the United States. Affecting 1 in 5 Americans sometime in their life, almost everyone knows someone who has had a BCC.
The good news is that BCC is easily treated and cured if caught early. Here are some tips for identifying BCC early.
BCC can sometimes be subtle in its early stages, preventing patients from identifying it as cancer. Here are some common ways patients describe BCC.
1-A growth at the site of a previous injury. I’ve heard this one a thousand times. Bug bite, cold sore, hit by a weed eater, hit by a windowsill, had a splinter, burned with a curling iron… you name it. If a growth grows in the site of a prior injury, it needs attention.
2-A spot that doesn’t heal well after injury. When an injury occurs to the skin, it creates a vacuum. New skin cells migrate to fill in the wound. If the new population of cells has some abnormal cells, it is a perfect place for a BCC to grow.
3-A spot that bleeds every time you shave or wash your face. Tumor cells don’t hold together very well and are more fragile or friable than the surrounding skin.
4-A “pimple” that does not go away. BCC most common occurs on the nose and is commonly mistaken for a pimple.
5-A “scar” without prior injury. While I was still in medical school, a family member of mine learned this one the hard way. BCC can often masquerade as a scar. So, if I ask how you got certain scars in the office, it’s not just because I’m nosy. I’m making sure it’s not a BCC.
When you are checking your skin and the skin of loved ones, please keep these warning signs in mind. If you find something suspicious for BCC, make an appointment with a dermatologist for treatment. To learn more about BCC, check out our Basal Cell Carcinoma 101 post.
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