2019: Your Best You

We all know that a NEW YEAR brings a NEW START, NEW LIFE, and NEW IDEAS. This year we want to encourage you to follow us on social media and engage with us at #YOURBESTYOU.

#YOURBESTYOU will be our gift to you this year! We are committed to the following:
• To continually encourage you with motivational testimonies.
• To provide a place for you to share your success stories with us.
• To provide helpful and motivating resources.
• To provide a community for encouraging and motivating one another.
• Eat Well LLC, and Theresa Hill will share nutritional tips for eating well.
• Fairmont Fitness will share exercise tips for getting our bodies moving.

The initial concept of #YOURBESTYOU was to support our CoolSculpting patients better by providing ways to help them achieve even better results. However, we hope to be much more far-reaching to improve physical, mental, spiritual and emotional health for all of our patients and members of our community!

Learn more about Coolsculpting and meet our team #YOURBESTYOU team at our Coolsculpting Event on January 10th at 5:30 PM at our #YOUR BEST YOU page on our website.

“I’m in, and I want to get involved right away!”
Great! If you have been looking for a community of support to reach your goals, and a forum to share your success and learn tips from others, then here are the steps you can take to get involved RIGHT NOW!

  1. Request to join our private Facebook Group called, #YourBestYou. It’s private, but not exclusive. We will share information on our public social media, but for those who really want to take part in the conversation, this group is for you.
  2. Join us at our event on January 10 at our office at 5:30 PM to learn more and meet the other participants.
  3. Reach out and ask if you have any questions.
  4. Be brave and share your goals on our social media! We are thrilled to support you on your journey!


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