With summer finally here in WV, we’re escaping sweaters and scarves for tank tops and shorts. This is the time of year that patients ask more questions about Kybella and Coolsculpting. Both are treatments we have done for many years now to decrease areas of unwanted fat. Sound good? but wondering which you should choose? Read on to learn more.
How do they work?
Kybella is an injectable that selectively destroys fat cells. The active ingredient in KYBELLA® is deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring molecule in the body that aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. Once the fat cells have been destroyed with Kybella, the result is permanent. Fat cells treated with Kybella are lysed or broken open, and the fat cells are destroyed. FDA approved to treat the chin area, but we have used it in other small areas of fat on the body as well. Underarms and inner thighs being the most common.
CoolSculpting freezes the fat cells. While the treatment does freeze the entire tissue in the given area, the timing and temperature of the Coolsculpting procedure leads to selective death of the fat cells. Our body naturally obtains an ability to eliminate unwanted cells in a process called apoptosis. Coolsculpting triggers increased apoptosis of the fat cells in the treated area. Coolsculpting is FDA approved for multiple areas on the body as well as under the chin.
Does it hurt?
Kybella is an injection. For those with severe needle phobia, it may not be the best choice but still is VERY TOLERABLE. The actual injection takes less than five minutes, and there is a burning sensation afterward that we treat with ice packs.
CoolSculpting is freezing. There is a cold sensation for the first 5 minutes or so, and then the area is frozen and numb.
How much downtime is there?
With both procedures, there is some swelling and bruising that usually resolves in a few days to weeks. Because Kybella is an injection, there is a risk of infection as well. After the initial swelling and bruising, it can take 8-12 weeks for the fat to completely be removed.
Where does the fat go?
The fat is eliminated naturally by our body’s clean up cells and our lymphatic system. In both procedures the broken down fat and cells are eliminated in microscopic amounts in our urine.
What are the possible side effects?
With both procedures, the biggest risk would be irritating one of the nerves in the area leading to temporary changes in sensation and/or movement. Changes in sensation, or numbness, is normal and should be expected lasting up to 8-12 weeks. Changes in movement or function are rare, but transient if it happens. Because Kybella is an injection, there is a theoretical risk of infection and bruising is common.
How much does it cost?
In our office, Kybella is priced per vial and CoolSculpting is priced per cycle. For both procedures, there are frequent discounts through Alle as well as increased discounts for multiple vials and/or cycles. The number of cycles or vials is determined by the volume of the fat to be treated and the desired endpoint. You will see a significant change with each vial or cycle.
Can I do both?
Yes, many of our patients do both. If there is a large amount of fat, we use CoolSculpting to debulk the area. Kybella can then be used to fine tune small areas. I often use Kybella along the jawline to improve definition there. It is also usually for small areas of fat under the arms and on the front inner thighs.
How about you? Kybella or CoolSculpting? If you are bothered by stubborn areas of fat, call and schedule a free consultation today, or schedule online at wvderm.comVisit our website for more on Kybella and CoolSculpting.
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